The Fit and 50 Formula Transform Your Life in Just 12 Weeks

Introducing “12 Week Fit and 50 Formula” – Your Path to a Healthier, Happier You Live Life with The Zest of a Much Younger Man
Feeling the weight of everyday life affecting your health and happiness? “12 Week Fit and 50 Formula” is more than just a fitness program; it’s a transformation journey designed for people like you. Rediscover your energy, build a better body, and renew your mindset.

Embrace the Change, One Week at a Time

Our 12-week online personal training and coaching program is tailored to help you look, feel, and perform at your best. With a blend of personalized and progressive training programs, nutritional guidance, and habit-changing strategies, we’re committed to fitting health seamlessly into your busy schedule.

Understand Your Struggles, Aim for Your Goals

Would you like to wake up every morning feeling fit, strong and powerful? But are unsure how to put together a cohesive plan that progresses as you do. You’re not alone. Our program is designed for individuals who’ve lost touch with their fitness routine giving you confidence you are heading the right direction to reach your goals, injury free and get you on your way back to health and fitness. Our goal? To help you feel confident, and energetic, and perform your best every day.

Online Convenience, Real Human Support

  • Personal Online Coach: Get guidance from real fitness experts, not AI bots. Our coaches understand your journey and are here to support you.
  • App Access: Stay connected and on track with our easy-to-use app. Fitness support, whenever you need it.
  • Proven Coaching System: More than workouts and meal plans; it’s a life-changing journey. We focus on habit changes and lifestyle adaptations, ensuring results that last.
Say Goodbye to Fatigue and Self-Doubt Achieve The Body You Have Always Wanted but Thought You Were Too Old to Attain

Wave farewell to mornings filled with tiredness and days marked by low energy. “12 Week Fit and 50 Formula” transforms not just your body, but your entire outlook on life. We turn your struggles into strengths, helping you become a more confident, energized, and focused individual.

Real Stories, Real Results

  • “Laurence’s expertise and dedication to my progress was evident from the start. Trusting in his process and following his guidance has led me to achieve levels of fitness and overall well-being I never thought possible. Not only have I reached my physical goals, but my mental health and relationships have also greatly improved. I am grateful for the transformation he has helped me achieve and look forward to continuing to grow and improve with his support in the future.”- Luis
  • “As someone with previous workout experience but looking to see how I could progress as I approach my 50s, I was excited to work with Laurence to see what I could achieve, and the results have been better than I could have hoped. In the time we’ve been working together, I’ve seen significant changes in my muscle development, definition and strength and am looking forward to how much more progress is yet to come. I particularly like the way Laurence has been able to customize and optimize the workouts for me in a way that is sustainable and keeps me injury free, while still maximizing muscle growth potential.”- Zach

Expert Guidance You Can Trust

My name is Laurence; I started working out at the age of 45. My son wanted to get into shape and I wanted to spend more time with him, so we got a gym membership. After about 3 months, I started to see and feel changes in my body, and I was hooked. I had no idea what was possible, so I didn’t take a perfect before picture (I won’t let you make that same mistake). That is me holding my son in the above photo, and to the left is me at 50. Now at 58 I not only live to help others like yourself become fit and healthy, but I also live the lifestyle. I made a lot of mistakes on my journey, so you won’t have to.

Tailored to You, Every Step of the Way

Our 12-week program is dynamic and adaptable, focusing on progressive weight training and cardio, nutrition plans, and lifestyle changes customized to fit your unique needs. You’re not just another participant; you’re an individual with unique goals and challenges.

Join Now for a Healthier Tomorrow You Can’t Stop Aging but How You Age is Under Your Control

Ready for a change? Sign up today and embark on a 12-week journey to a better you. Click below to start transforming your life.

Why Choose “12 Week Fit and 50 Formula”?

It’s not just about fitness; it’s about a holistic drug free transformation. With personalized coaching, adaptable plans, and a focus on long-term results, we offer something unique – a program that truly understands and adapts to you.

Your Journey to a Better You Starts Here

Don’t wait for change, create it. Sign up today and take the first step towards a life filled with energy, confidence, and well-being.

There are three full body workouts that are about an hour long and recommended two 20 to 30 min cardio sessions per week.

It’s cardio of your choice. This includes walking, cycling, or swimming. I could be mowing the lawn as long as it is extra activity from what you typically do.

The program is dumbbell based. An adjustable bench and dumbbells from 10 to 80lbs are recommended. You can start with dumbbells up to 50 lbs but you will in time find you’ll want to go heavier. For gym goers, grab a bench at the dumbbell rack, and you are good to go for the entire workout.

If a certain exercise causes discomfort, we’ll switch it out for an alternate.

The nutrition program is more like a course than a ridged meal plan. Where you learn how to put together your own meals using foods you like.